Discovery Park E295A
I study the morpho-syntax of the Germanic languages from both a synchronic and diachronic perspective. A lot of my work has focused on the noun phrase in different varieties of German and Norwegian. I have published a co-edited book with Ock-Hwan Kim and Yoshihisa Kitagawa in 2005 (Syntax and Beyond; Indiana University Linguistics Club Publications), a monograph in 2009 (Demonstratives and Definite Articles as Nominal Auxiliaries; John Benjamins), a book-length article in 2013 (The Inner Makeup of Definite Determiners: The Case of Germanic; Journal of Germanic Linguistics), and a co-authored monograph with Christopher Sapp in 2016 (Quantifying Expressions in the History of German: Syntactic reanalysis and morphological change; John Benjamins). In addition, I have published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals such as Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, Journal of Germanic Linguistics, Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences, Studia Linguistica, and The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics. Currently, I am working on a book project on the morpho-syntax of Yiddish.