Linguistics Course Rotation

Updated: 2/20/2024

Course Delivery Mode Guide:

  • IP – In-Person face-to-face course.
  • O – Online course.
  • H – Hybrid course.  Face-to-face component or regular meetings with the rest of the work done online.
  • Highlighted courses are required.
  • Elective courses may vary due to faculty availability.


Undergraduate Courses        Fall             Spring        Summer    Fall (every 2+years)  Spring (every 2+years)
LING 2040 - Endangered Languages        IP (2025)  
LING 2050 - The Language of Now IP IP      
LING 2060 - Language and Computers   IP      
LING 2070 - Language and Discrimination   IP      
LING 2080 - The Language of Courts and Crime   IP      
LING 3010 - African American English       IP (2025)  
LING 3020 - Forensic Linguistics IP        
LING 3040 - Politics of Language IP        
LING 3050 - Communication Across Species   IP      
LING 3060 - Principles of Language Study IP,O IP,O IP,O    
LING 3070 - Introduction to Linguistics IP IP      
LING 3080 - Language and Society   IP      
LING 3090 - Discourse Analysis       IP (2025)  
LING 4010 - Linguistic Variation       IP (2024)  
LING 4020 - Structure of Modern English O        
LING 4030 - Acquisition of English as a Second Language   H,O      
LING 4040 - Phonetics and Phonology IP        
LING 4050 - Morphology       IP (2024)  
LING 4055 - Syntax   IP      
LING 4060 - Scientific Methods         IP (2026)
LING 4070 - History of the English Language   IP      
LING 4080 - Teaching English as a Second Language O        
LING 4090 - Semantics and Pragmatics IP        
LING 4100 - Poetics        IP (2025)  
LING 4120 - Migration and Language Contact          IP (2025)
LING 4130 - Discovering Language from Data   IP      
LING 4135 - Programming for Linguistics IP        
LING 4140 - Introduction to Computational Linguistics   IP      
LING 4410 - World Englishes   IP      
LING 4950 - Capstone IP IP      



Graduate Courses        Fall             Spring      Electives as Need
LING 5020 - Studies in Historical Linguistics     IP
LING 5030 - Linguistics and Languages of South Asia     IP
LING 5040 - Principles in Linguistics O O  
LING 5045 - Introduction to Linguistics for NLP     IP
LING 5060 - Second Language Acquisition   O  
LING 5070 - Research Design in Linguistics  (CORE) IP    
LING 5075 - Quantitative Research Methods in Linguistics    IP  
LING 5080 - Teaching English as a Second Language O    
LING 5090 - Pedagogical English Grammar O    
LING 5300 - Phonology I  (CORE) IP    
LING 5305 - Morphology      IP
LING 5310 - Syntax I  (CORE)   IP  
LING 5320 - Studies in Applied Linguistics (Topics Course)     IP
LING 5330 - Sociolinguistics   IP  
LING 5340 - Practicum in TESL   O  
LING 5350 - Language Typology and Universals   IP  
LING 5360 - Studies in Descriptive Linguistics (Topics Course)     IP
LING 5380 - Linguistic Field Methods     IP
LING 5390 - Psycholinguistics     IP
LING 5400 - Tools and Methods for Lexicography and Language Analysis     IP
LING 5405 - Programming for Linguistics IP    
LING 5410 - Foundations of Computational Linguistics   IP  
LING 5412 - Advanced Models of Language IP    
LING 5415 - Special Topics in Computational Linguistics   IP  
LING 5530 - Semantics and Pragmatics I  (CORE) IP    
LING 5540 - Endangered Languages     IP
LING 5550 - Corpus Linguistics      IP
LING 5560 - Discourse Analysis     IP
LING 5570 - World Englishes     IP
LING 5580 - Language and Gender     IP
LING 5590 - Linguistics and Literature     IP