Welcome to Linguistics


The UNT Linguistics program offers an environment of discovery through research, field experiences, and course work in core areas of linguistics with a focus on language documentation and description, computational linguistics, language variation, and English language pedagogy.  

The MA program in Linguistics is a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) STEM-designated program, for "Linguistics and Computer Science" (30.4801).

Academic Programs





Collage of clipart people standing in a crowd.

Summer 2022 Course: Language & Discrimination


This LING 2070  course examines the way that language plays a role in social and political issues, particularly with respect to questions of gender, race, ethnicity, and social identity. We’ll investigate ideologies about language and language variation, issues surrounding...

Julia Penick

COI Great Grads 2022 Julia Penick


Julia Penick graduates with a B.A. in Linguistics and reflects on what she’s learned about the study of language while at COI:

Over the past four years, I’ve learned so much about language and how it works. COI linguistics courses inspired...


Contact Us

Main Office
UNT College of Information
3940 N. Elm St. Room B201
Denton, TX 76207-7102
View Map
Phone: 940-565-4552
Email: Ling-info@unt.edu
Mailing Address
UNT College of Information
1155 Union Circle #311068
Denton, TX 76203-5017
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